Thursday, March 17, 2011

My recent craft project

I don't consider myself a creative person.  I am, however, very appreciative of other people's creativity and know when I see something (for a crazy price) that often times I could probably make it on my own for half the cost.

I took Matt to a craft show with me back in December (sorry to out you again, Matt).  There I found a shelf that I LOVED it was so cute and personalized.  (When did I get to the point in my life that I would LOVE a shelf?)  Anyways, I thought that it would be pretty easy to create my own.

A few weeks later I went to West Virginia to visit Matt and to my surprise, he had gone to Michael's and bought a wooden shelf which he spray painted brown and added hooks to.  I was very excited to get working on making this shelf my own.  Some of my Christmas presents needed a home, and this was the perfect place for them!

 This sign was a Christmas present from my sister and it is all about the South!  Love it!  For the hooks below the shelf, I bought wood blocks from Hobby Lobby.  I then spray painted the blocks ivory and when the paint was damp I sprayed them lightly with a pale aqua.  Once they dried I put black picture holders on each corner and cut family pictures to the right size.  I then used champagne ribbon and tacked it on to the back of the block in a loop so that they could hang.

The next day Matt and I went shopping and I found this pretty candle stand at Target on clearance.  Matt found the candle and it looks perfect with the color scheme of the whole shelf.  At Michael's we got the votive candles on an after-Christmas sale (for like .50 a piece).  I had some extra wood blocks so I added more pictures to the top of the shelf.

And here it is...the finished product!  I love walking in the door and seeing this!