Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wedding Wednesday

I'm happy to report that the making of the church decorations is starting.

I am not so happy to report that I can get through punching 2 papers worth of flowers before my hand cramps so bad that I can't hold anything anymore.  Needless to say, I have enlisted some help from Matt on this task.

The finished product is so cute!  Thanks Mal for the inspiration/helping me find everything/and your help next week on making many more of these!

My other crafts that I have been in the process of making are the signs for outside of the church.  Yesterday Matt gave me the arrows that he cut out and I finally did all of the painting and put on all of the letters.  When we were procrastinating moving furniture last night, we finally finished the signs.  These pictures don't do them justice (in my opinion).  They are so cute in cute that even Matt (every time he walks by them) tells me how good they turned out!  So excited to put them out in front of the church!

1 comment:

  1. yay, the flower ball looks really good! sorry that your hand is cramping :) haha...excited to help with them next week! and love the signs, excited to see them in person!
