Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wedding Craft

A few months ago my older sister said that she had these cute glass blocks at her work that I could personalize and use for reception decorations.  There are a lot of random ledges around our reception venue so I thought they would be cute little accents.

First you start out with a glass block (can find them at Michael's or Ben Franklin)
We are using the plain clear ones!

Next to personalize it, I went to and found cute vinyl clings in our colors.  

You can find the ones I used at Byrdie Graphics.

Next you peel off the backing and place the vinyl on the block.

Now there are a couple of options as to what you want to do with the blocks.  Most people put a strand of white Christmas Lights in them.  This is very pretty, but I was concerned that there would not be an outlet at every location that we wanted to place the blocks.  Plan B was to get lights that have a battery pack.  These are on green string and I think they look funny.  To camouflage the green string I bought shredded paper (can be found at Hobby Lobby) in our wedding colors.  the problem is that the lights don't shine through the paper.  Since the opening is so small the lights/paper idea just ends up being a nightmare.  I took the lights out and just liked them plain like this.

I also got clings that are our wedding colors and I was thinking about taking the stand of lights out of these blocks and leaving them empty.

They are pretty and I like them, but I am open to suggestions if you have any as to how to light them up!


  1. can you put tea light candles in them?

  2. Haha...already tried that! They don't fit through the opening! We are on the same wave length yet again!
