Seriously it is always something with this car ride. First time the Saturn died...another time there was a snow storm and the roads had so much treated stuff on them that my windshield was covered in salt, but when I tried to clean it off the windshield wiper fluid was frozen because it was 15 degrees outside and I had to pull off on the shoulder on a mountain and clean off the windshield with a plastic top from my tanning bed goggles (yes, I have now invested in an ice scraper).
Oh yeah, then there was that time where it was overcast and the fog was practically white-out conditions and I was going 25 MPH on 64 up and down mountains. Oh wait...then there was also that time that I was riding with Matt and it started to snow (blizzard style) unexpectedly and the roads were covered and I had to go to the bathroom so bad and we had to find an exit that wasn't covered in snow.
Great stories from the past year, you can see why I get so excited to make that trip. The trip yesterday was pretty uneventful (I love when it is sunny and beautiful out for that drive)...but there was this one part where the signs said "LEFT LANE CLOSED" then all of the sudden it was like the got carried away and decided to put the cones in the right lane too. I watched a huge 18-wheeler look ahead and see that the cones were in the right lane so he swerved and got off on the exit that he had almost passed because his truck wouldn't fit down 64...smoke and rocks went was a great thing for my nerves.
And since I was going a mere 15 MPH I thought it appropriate to whip out my phone and take a pic for all to see...
Wedding Wednesday is postponed until tomorrow!
who does that?