Friday, May 13, 2011

Blog Trouble

Apparently blogspot was down due to technical difficulties.  I usually do my posts for the next day on the night before then schedule them to automatically post the next morning.  Unless it is the weekend, then I like to let the day go by and blog at night about what happened that day!

(And some other days I like to do that too...I guess it depends on whatever mood I'm in.)

It looks like my post from yesterday never went up and when I tried to log in to do my post for today (this morning at about 7:30am) blogspot was down.  Hopefully it's back up and running, so these posts are actually showing up!

Anyways, today Matt and I are leaving for Farmville (in like 2 hours...guess I should finish packing?).  Tomorrow I graduate with my Master in Education degree.  Crazy, I know.  I can't believe how fast the last year has gone by, and I'm sure the next year is promising to do the same!  Sometimes I just want to hit a pause button and live in that week for like a month.  This week being one of them.  Every night I made a to-do list about 2 pages long for the next day.  I would get up when Matt left for work (anytime between 5:30am and 7:30am) and go non-stop until he got home.  Sometimes I was doing stuff for 2+ hours and I would go to check it off of the to-do list and realize it wasn't even on there (like laundry, vacuum, clean bathrooms, take out trash, wash dishes, etc).  So what did I do?  Wrote them on the to-do list, just so that I could check them off!  haha  (just a little self-gratification technique I like to use)

Now I'm off...I only have 2 hours-ish to pack for the next 2 weeks (including through the wedding/rehearsal clothes/day after the wedding outfit...all of the wedding stuff that is at Matt's apt. that needs to make it to Richmond).  Oh, and I have to pack Matt as well!

And I know I've talked about hating this car ride before...but seriously...beautiful weather for an entire week, then we wake up to overcast/rain/fog today for the car ride!  Of Course!

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