I always listen to Matt mention things off the cuff that he may need and make a mental note so I know for the next holiday or birthday what to get him. I continue to be amazed when he does the same for me.
Maybe it was last weekend (when he realized the bottom of my shoes were coming un-attached from the top) that he decided it was time for me to get a new pair of comfy go-to kicks. I haven't been able to justify buying new shoes when between the wedding, bills, rent, and groceries on a grad assistant budget I seem to have no money left over at the end of the month.
Point of the story, I unexpectedly (even though Matt almost spoiled the secret this past weekend) got a package in the mail today from Matt! What was it? A new pair of shoes! A pair of TOMS to be exact!
source : TOMS
I know a few weeks ago I mentioned to my sisters that I wanted a pair, and it just so happened that Matt overheard! The last time he bought me shoes was my freshman year of H.S when we just started dating and he bought me Nike Shocks. I wore those things for years, and plan on doing the same with these TOMS!
They are definitely my new go-to shoes. Better than that though is the thought behind them. Thanks Matt!
Please take some time to learn about TOMS!
(if you haven't heard of them before)
It is a great company that is really doing there part to give back!
The only thing better than one Tom is two Toms!