Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Baby Shower

Today was a first for me.  I went to a baby shower for one of my closest friends.  I'm sure I've been to baby showers before but they were probably when I was younger and for family members.  This is the first one where it hit me that I'm growing up.  No more talk of "where are you working this summer" or "what college are you applying for" or "how are your classes going"?  Now we're on to "guess how many bridal showers/baby showers/weddings/bachelorette parties I'm going to in the next year".  It really is crazy how time flies.  I'm so excited for new milestones that everyone is reaching in their lives.

The baby shower went amazing and the soon-to-be Momma's sister was a great host!  Here are some pictures for you to see just how much fun we had!

"All Star on the Way"

 Susie opening her presents from Matt and I.  My favorite thing we got them were the staple kid books like
Where the Wild Things Are, Goodnight Moon, The Very Hungary Caterpillar, and The Giving Tree.

Here we are playing the famous guess what candy bar is in the diaper game.

We all had a great time and it was fun to catch up with wonderful friends!
(The four of us are so lucky that our fiances/husbands are fraternity brothers, because we got best friends out of the deal!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Who knows, without them we might be friendless!! lol. So glad to have all three of you in my life!! This upcoming year is going to be amazing!!!
