The day has finally arrived! My comprehensive Exam is today! In an attempt to have a normal morning and not stress myself out, I decided that I would post before heading off to take the biggest test in my educational career. Once the test is over, I'm hopping in the car and heading to West Virginia for a Job Fair next week. Marshall University is hosting an educational expo where I can go and meet with different counties in search of a Special Education Teaching job! Comprehensive Test...Job Interviews...this is shaping up to be a stressful few days.
I really want to take the time to daydream about the release of a new movie coming out in 2 months and 1 day! I'm hoping when it comes out (May 6th) that my stress will be subsided (exams will be over) and all I will have to do is enjoy the last few weeks before the wedding!!! Lets just say going to see this movie is going to be my "Congratulations!!! You survived Grad school, moving, planning a wedding, job searching, and really growing up in the past year" treat to myself!!!
Matt popping the question - NYC, March 2010
Matt and I at my Undergrad Graduation - May 2010
source : monroewithatwist
Since then I've bought every book the day it is released and read them like it was my job.
(Ask Matt...he remembers those days because I barely acknowledged him.)
Point of the post - this is my Public Service Announcement that EVERYONE should go see Something Borrowed which comes out May 6, 2011! Usually when books that I love are turned in to movies, I don't really care for the movie version. (example - Dear John) I'm thinking this time it is going to be different, because Emily Giffin seemingly had a hand in the movie. I happen to be facebook friends with her (thank you social networking for at least making me feel like I can relate to an AMAZING author) and from some of her posts and status updates it looks like she was a part of the process. Another thing that makes me so excited to see this movie is that fact that it was produced by Hilary Swank, who is someone that I have always respected.
OMG...totally didn't realize Jim from The Office is in it. LOVE