Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hall Pass

Not as much studying got done on Saturday as I thought it would.  Probably because Matt was supposed to golf all day with one of his best friends that lives here in Farmville, but due to him coming down with the flu, Matt's plans got canceled.  This left me with the task of entertaining Matt.  He's not the type of lay-around-all-weekend-and-be-lazy kind of guy.  So after I studied for a little in the morning and made us a delicious brunch of ham, egg and cheese biscuits I went out with him to get his hair cut and see a movie.  We saw the new movie, Hall Pass.

Matt and I have the same taste in movies, unlike most couples.  We both like Chick Flicks (sorry to out-you, Matt) and the occasional Mystery or Documentary.  We've just recently started going back on movie dates and this one was right up our alley.  It had the type of humor (or lack there of) that we both enjoy and find ourselves laughing at hysterically.  It helped that the message is a good one for all couples.  I'm just hoping that in the future neither of us needs a "hall pass" from our marriage!

This morning we decided to enjoy Charley's Brunch (yum)!  After brunch we took advantage of the weather and went to watch some of the Longwood Baseball game before it was time for Matt to leave to go back to WV. 
 Watching the Longwood Baseball Game

I feel like I never get a chance to enjoy a Sunday, because I always know it leads to saying good-bye.  This Sunday is particularly bad because not only was I seeing Matt leave, but I knew that meant time to head to the library for a day full of studying.  I'm counting down the days to Spring Break when I'm heading to West Virginia and working on some job applications and moving a bunch of my stuff in!

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