Monday, April 11, 2011

Travel Monday

Two months (exactly) from today, Matt and I will be flying home from our honeymoon.

It is absolutely crazy to me to think that in two short months, all of the planning that we've done this last year will be over.  I'm pretty worried that the wedding blues are going to hit - hard.  In an attempt to make sure I don't fall in to some deep depression, I'm thinking about taking some summer weekend trips with Matt.

Hopefully this will satisfy my needs to be constantly planning or doing something.

Believe it or not, Matt is only a few short hours from Cleveland, Ohio.  It may not seem like a glamorous city, but I've never visited Ohio and the thought of going to Columbus when I've been raised to hate the Buckeyes just disgusts me, so Cleveland may be a great short weekend trip.  The city looks like a lot of fun and it would be cool to see one of the great lakes (Lake Erie).

Source: Visit Cleveland

Charleston, West Virginia also happens to only be a few hours from Louisville, Kentucky.  I have visited Louisville, but never with Matt.  I'm excited for him to take me places he's been before (Cleveland) and for me to take him places that I've been before (Louisville).  I can't wait to travel and explore as newlyweds.  I loved touring the Louisville Slugger Factory and Museum and really want to take Matt there!

Any family or friends that read this and want to tag along on any of these trips...let me know!  We would love to have company!